Holiday Blues
It's that time of the year where everyone is talking about the exciting holidays they are going on this summer or the lack of holidays they have booked, sadly I am currently the latter. I have some serious holiday blues.
This time last year, I was getting ready to go on a three week holiday to Asia and currently, the only holiday I have booked is to Dublin...not quite the same. I am itching to go on a sunny holiday, at this point I'd go anywhere, the current weather in Scotland is miserable, to say the least; it's the middle of June and it hasn't stopped raining for a whole week.
Dreaming of hotter days on the beach in Thailand, I can't explain how incredible the weather and overall holiday in Asia was, I would go back in a second. There's nothing better than waking up to 32-degree sunshine every day, whereas Scotland's struggling to hit 15 degrees lately.
There's only so many times I can open Instagram and see story after story of everyone on the beach, I desperately need a summer holiday booked or else Instagram is going to break me. I would do anything to be soaking up the sunshine, something that doesn't exist in Scotland, with a frozen cocktail and my friends at my side. Experiencing holiday blues straight after a holiday makes sense, but not a year later, it doesn't help that Scotland is experiencing its 10th winter. Looking through my photos from my last holiday is killing me, the endless amount of Snapchat videos I have saved of picturesque beaches in Krabi is too much for me right now.
Travelling to exotic locations last summer will make whatever I do this summer seem less exciting. However, it is my goal to explore my local surroundings this summer and make the most of my time to see the wonders of Scotland, this depends on if it manages to stay sunny for more than five minutes. Despite pining for a trip to the sunshine, I am looking forward to seeing more of the UK this summer, starting with Dublin; let's hope it can stay sunny for the weekend I am there.
What are your plans for the summer? Are you one of the lucky ones who has a sunny holiday to look forward to?
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